Danny has secured for Newfoundland and Labrador its financial future, and he ends his leadership at the end of this term (my prediction), he will have put us undeniably on the right track. Our next leader should keep in place the policies that maintain our fiscal footing, and focus his or her legacy on using that money effectively.
As prosperity begins to show its effects in the province, we are starting to see an increase in spending power and consumer choice as well as crime and drug use. Generally these two indicators are considered the symbolic good and bad results of economic improvement.
But there's more to life than that. We have wanted fiscal freedom for a long time - that's a common goal. Now that we have it, what do we want to do with it? Buying stuff and fulfilling vices are short-term joys that often deteriorate our well-being over time. They're also easier and more fun to accomplish quickly. To have a long-term, high quality of life we need to foster a culture that endorses it.
So what are the principles we should follow in order to achieve this goal? Some we already value in our province: good humour, strong communities, and pride in our people. Others are less universal, but still popular: hard work, long-term planning, and education. We have a deep pride in where we're from and display a genuine hospitality to visitors.
Will we maintain these values? They may be strong now, but as more and more people move to the major centres of the province, we become more anonymous. Our doors are closed to each other more often due to the fear of home-invasions. Tourism is a major industry here thanks in part to our beautiful scenery, but our financial gains are won through an industry that produces some of the most harmful pollutants in the world.
Our next leader should be chosen based on their commitment to moving quickly to the next phase of our growth as a province. The groundwork laid by our current government is very solid, and to continue our primary focus on developing resource-based industries would be narrow minded.
We've financed the trip and packed our bags. Now all we need to do is chart the best course. And that should be based on values we all cherish and goals that benefit the entire province now and into the future.