My current phase (and this one comes and goes, like the rest) is futurism. I've been paying a whole lot of attention to where the world is headed. I've been listening to brilliant people discuss their findings from years of research into global trends. I've been watching the progress of the Internet and new technologies. I've been reading about the genome project, space exploration, political shifts, economic flux, and the redistribution of wealth.
Right now I'm about to turn 25 years old and have had some amazing experiences thus far. I've traveled, I've met incredible people, I've been exposed to human and other forces, and I've been developing insight into how this planet works.
But I'm sedentary. I still live in the same city during a time in my life when travel is deemed most effective and affective. I don't have a job, which inhibits my ability to grow outwardly. It inhibits my ability to experience the world we live in; a world that costs money to be a fully functioning member of. So I sit at home and absorb predictions on how the world will change over the next 20 to 100 years.
Having such a comprehensive vision of what the world will be when I'm older, while still maintaining the great uncertainty that comes with predicting the future, is worrisome. That's because I feel like the world will always be ahead of me. I'm listening to people I admire tell me that soon we'll all be a part of some big network of minds that work together to tackle bigger problems that don't include near as much human suffering.
This future world excites me but leaves me worried for selfish reasons.
This will sound pretentious, but fuck it. I have confidence in myself. Not just that I will succeed in life, but that my success will be in changing the world by affecting a large number of people's lives. I have a great deal of strengths that all point in the direction of 'leader.' Empathy, confidence, an ability to articulate my opinions, reasoned approach, vision... But the number of leaders is growing and a new one (me) won't be special.
* * *
My current frustration is that I feel my strengths can't be put to effective use unless I cross some threshold. This threshold seems to be 'entering the workforce.' Sounds stupid, I know. I am pretty arrogant to believe that I'm the only one who doesn't want to work. I am one of the millions of kids from my generation who feels entitled to a life of wealth and happiness. Logically I know I should be working to attain my goals, but so far I haven't had to.
I'm sitting here, lamenting my current state of affairs to try and get these thoughts out of my head. A diary won't do so I stick them online for 2 random people to start reading and stop after two paragraphs. There is no discourse here except with myself. So, self: GET OFF YOUR GODDAMN ASS.
Nope, didn't work.